Comic Writing and Art Examples
Comic Script
Panel 1: Libra standing on a balcony, looking out at the scenery with a pensive look on her face.
Panel 2: Gemini peeking through the doors to the balcony behind her.
Panel 3: Gemini: Brooding again?
Libra startles, not expecting them to be behind her.
Panel 4: Shot from behind Libra, her turning around with a hand over her heart. “Geez, Gem, don’t do that!” Gemini laughs from offscreen.
Panel 5: Vignette panel, from behind, as Gemini joins Libra on the balcony, asking: “So what’s up?”PAGE 2
Panel 1: Shot of Libra from the side, as she looks down, concerned. “Adia’s… having trouble again.”
Panel 2: Shot of Gemini looking towards the "camera", listening. Libra: “I don’t know what to do. It’s been happening more frequently now too…”
Panel 3: Gemini, looking towards the "camera", putting a hand on Libra's (offscreen) shoulder: “Maybe it’s time you got personally involved.”
Panel 4: Vignette panel (dark sky illuminated with a multicolored aurora from behind) as Gemini has a hand on Libra’s shoulder. Libra: “Yeah…maybe it is.”
Comic Process Example